Birthday fun!

So we had a great birthday weekend!

Started out with a zoo trip on Friday with Ren and Chloe and my sister and niece. Then we went to the NICU reunion at the hospital where we saw a bunch of our friends (and petted a pony. Random, eh? A pony? Yes.) and then, I drove around for about an hour so the boys would nap. Heh.

Last year at the zoo on their birthday:

And this year:

By far, their favorite feature of the zoo:

The usually liked the primate statues:

But not always:

An attempt at a picture with Mommy:

(Didn’t get any pictures at the NICU reunion, but picture three boys with fruit punch mustaches, and you get the idea.)

Unfortunately, the yucky weather prevented us from having our planned birthday dinner at IHOP, so we picked up some Popeye’s and went home. The boys loved their presents from Grandee and Larry!

Saturday was their party. It was a little stressful at first, but it went really well in the end. The boys behaved wonderfully, we saw so many of our friends, and I didn’t have to clean up afterwards!

The banner I slaved over last year:


The cupcakes Grandee slaved over this year:

Birthday boys in their awesome shirts:

Linus, after being sung to. And after sticking his finger in the flame. After I watched the video, it wasn’t clear which one of these things caused the tears.

Oliver during his song:

Miles during his song, entranced by the flame:

Whaaat? I can’t hold a new tiny sweet angelic baby girl?

The revellers:

And a video, if you’re so inclined:

After the party, the boys went to Granny and Grandpa’s for a slumber party so George and I could relax and sleep in. Lucky for everyone, my sister and niece’s flight home was cancelled, so we got a few extra hours with them. And a nice early wake-up to drive them to the airport. Ohh, who needs to sleep in? Actually, it was fine – I went back to bed after dropping them off and slept til 11:00!

Now we have piles of presents waiting for the boys to come home to. I think they’re going to have fun ripping open all the packages.

8 thoughts on “Birthday fun!

  1. Carrie

    Happy Birthday to your beautiful boys!

    I love love LOVE that pic of you holding the baby girl. Your face is priceless!

    Looks like a good time was had by all.



  2. Helen

    What a fun birthday weekend!

    I love that you took a picture in the same spot at the zoo – really shows how much they (and those penguins in the background!) have grown!

    I must be evil – those crying pictures all cracked me up!


  3. Maria Carlson

    What a fun party for 3 cutie boys! They are so funny with the looks during their birthday songs. Ha! FYI, I think Anna and Bethany cry just like Linus, with that tongue wagging. It always makes me laugh (bad mama laughing at crying babies 😉 ).

    Happy 2nd Birthday again boys!
    -Maria (from TC, mom to 21mo GGGG and a 5yo boy)


  4. Faith

    I so love those monkey birthday t-shirts!!! I am doing a monkey themed party for my boy’s birthday. Can you please tell me where you got those shirts? They’re fantastic!


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