June 4, 2016 {number 102}

Their new friends (who sadly, went home today) are in this month’s picture. Can’t wait to go visit them one day!



That 366 project

No, I’m not giving up on it like I did last year. But I am definitely being lazy about it. Here are a bunch of pics in gallery format to make catching up easier.

The 9th through 15th are covered in my Austin recap post. I mean, I’m pretty positive I posted at least one picture from each day I was there. Let’s just say I did, mmkay?

So now for the 16th – 25th:

Okay, yes, I missed a day in there. Whatever. I’m being nice to myself and not obsessing over it.

We had a nice weekend in Baton Rouge. My mom and Larry hadn’t seen all three of them in a while. (Miles and I had seen them after his second day of filming.) There was hula-hooping and playing on a playground and going out to dinner for pizza. Sunday I was able to sneak off for a bit to buy some new workout clothes which was nice. We also made some more homemade cupcakes – lemon cupcakes with strawberry buttercream this time, but I don’t know if we should be making a habit of Sunday cupcakes. Well, we still have to make chocolate, so this isn’t the right time to be making a decision.

Speaking of my new workout, I’m really liking it. I am sore, but not like so much that I’m debilitated. It’s more like the “oh right, I have muscles there!” kind of sore. I’ll admit a big part of my motivation is the trip to Europe I have in June where I’ll be up on stage with my beautiful colleague Erica. There will be video of our talk. Need I say more?

Okay, on with the week!


April 5 – 8, 2016

Catching up so I can post some more interesting stuff. 🙂

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April 5 – Sometimes Spring in New Orleans isn’t the most terrible thing in the world. Sitting outside on a mild evening getting chewed up by mosquitos watching the boys practice, reading a book…not too awful.


April 6 – First cavity, Oliver. Wasn’t too bad, but we figured it was best to take care of it before it got worse.


April 7 – We made it back from Miles’s day of filming in time for the soccer game. There haven’t been that many games because of the rain, though.


April 8 – Upside down Millie. I’m glad the climber is getting some use.

April 4, 2016 {number 100!}


When I started taking monthly pics of the boys, I didn’t know when I was going to stop. I still don’t.

It’s possible I went a little overboard this month. But I had fun, and even got the boys actually looking forward to the monthly picture, which has never happened.

Props to my friend Teresa who helped out this morning.

Onto the next hundred or two…

April 1 – 3, 2016

Gotta do a catchup post before tomorrow’s BIG monthly photo…number ONE HUNDRED. I should be embarrassed by the amount of time, thought, and money that have gone into this picture. But I’ve had fun with it, and the boys are actually excited. So stay tuned…


April 1 – Miles and Ziggy. So cute.


April 2 – It was an indescribably gorgeous day. Ziggy and I went for a three mile walk.


April 3 – Yet another insanely beautiful day. The boys and I went to the Insectarium and then walked around the French Quarter and got beignets and met up with some of my friends. My favorite moment was when this blue butterfly landed on my foot. (And then I looked at the picture on my computer instead of my phone and realized I should be embarrassed by the state of my toenail polish.)

March 29, 30, 2016


March 29 – took the boys to Juan’s for lunch. They ate tacos! It was v exciting.


March 30 – I have a guest photographer today. This photo is courtesy of Linus. The hair on the sofa is courtesy of Ziggy.

We got the boys a point and shoot camera for Easter, which turned out to be a big hit! And now I can outsource my daily  photos. Win-win!

March 28, 2016 {little boy blue}


Yesterday, Oliver asked if he could have blue hair. It would be hypocritical of me to say no, so I said, okay. (Only temporary dye, though.) So today we went to Sally’s and got some Manic Panic Atomic Turquoise, which just feels right, since that’s what I used back in the 1990s.

Look, it turned out to be almost the exact same shade as his eyes. Can’t really say it’s not a good color for him, eh?

March 21-27, 2016

I’ve been taking pics on my walks around the neighborhood, just to record some of the little details that I love.

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March 21 – a fish.


March 22 – a dog.


March 23 – and another fish. Okay, apparently animal details are my thing.


March 24 – a swirly thing that holds back shutters. I assume it has a more technical name.


March 25 – A bored and jaded Miles while he waits to be called to play his part.


March 26 – Ziggy. Before he chewed up an entire brand new bottle of Children’s Tylenol. Which, presumably, he didn’t actually ingest because he’s still with us.


March 27 – sneak peek of next week’s 100th monthly pic!

March 16-20, 2016


March 16 – I took the boys to the library near our house, and they asked how old it was. I looked at the sign and realized it was dedicated exactly 100 years to the day before Millie was born! (I think. I’m terrible with birthdays.) (That aren’t mine.)


March 17 -Ziggy on our gray couch with the gray walls and the gray curtains and the gray side table. I’m in a gray phase. Note: this picture was before Ziggy decided he really needed to see how the stuffing in the cushions tastes. Grr.


March 18 – Took the kids for donuts before school. I’m sure their teachers loved me for that.


March 19 – Miles came home in his jammies from his first slumber party. He had such a great time, and now the boys want to have one. (He’d been to a sleepover before, but never a full fledged slumber party.)


March 20 – Miles had to do a timeline project for school. While it was a pain in the butt to get the photos printed (nothing like waiting til the last minute) I’m really proud of his work. He picked the photos and wrote the descriptions (all in French, of course.)

March 15, 2016


In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, some pictures I took of the clover at soccer practice. It had exploded everywhere, just in time.

March 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 2016


March 10 – Watching the LPO play “The Ants Go Marching 2 by 2” or whatever it’s called.

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March 11 – School was cancelled on Friday because of weather that never happened here, luckily. I took Miles and Oliver to IHOP for dinner because they wanted to get out of the house and eat their weight in carbs. I love when they giggle together instead of fight.

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March 12 – It’s hard to show in photos the scale of Saturday’s Easter Egg hunt. I remember the first one we put on – it was just in a field that we prayed wouldn’t be used by someone else, with a few hundred eggs that we scattered around. Four years later, we sold 1000 tickets, had more than enough eggs for everyone, and we had dozens of food vendors and activities for the kids. Amazing. And it didn’t rain! A real miracle. Because the whole team went out and bought rain boots if they didn’t have any already.


March 13 – The scale was a bit smaller at the neighborhood egg hunt on Sunday. But it was really cute and the weather was gorgeous. The fourth triplet here is their friend Ethan.


March 14 – There’s this big vacant lot that’s usually littered with trash that I walk Ziggy by every day, and suddenly Spring has sprung because it had exploded in these purple wildflowers. As you can see, my attempts to get a nice picture of Ziggy with the flowers in the background was a giant fail. He’s about as cooperative for photos as the boys are.