The birthday party

I have lots to blog about, but first things first! The birthday party! It went well, in spite of the fact that the boys were grumpy little monsters for the first half or so. And even though I forgot to put out the cute striped paper straws I bought. Ah well.

Kristina and I spent a lot of time baking, cooking, decorating, etc. Just so you know.

The cupcakes and cake pops!

C is for coooookies!

The party was at our friends’ pizza place, which is an old gas station. They had a tent set up from a Christmas tree sale the weekend prior, which also explains the strange mix of birthday and Christmas decorations.


One of the benefits of having it at Gulf Pizza is the park across the street.

Wait…is that a SMILE?



After some time at the park, but before they smeared frosting all over their faces, I wanted to get their three year picture. You’ve seen how well THAT turned out already…

At least someone smiled…

After that debacle, it was cupcake time! We sang three times, and each boy blew out his candle.



Miles didn’t want to wait for his song to be over, though.


The boys ate some cake pops, too. The Elmo ones turned out pretty well, but Oscar looked, well, not like Oscar. Oh well, it was fun to make them!



Lots of their friends came, including their birthday buddies, the quads. The girls’ birthday party had been that morning, but I’ll have to post about that later. There was a pony!

After that, it got too dark to take pictures, but just picture the chaos of gift-opening with paper flying everywhere while I desperately tried to keep track of who gave them what. Let’s just say our friends were very generous.

The shirts, which were awesome, were made by my friend Sara. She can make all kinds of shirts. Here’s her blog, you can contact her from there.

10 thoughts on “The birthday party

  1. Donna

    How do you make those cake pops? Would love to do that for my grandbabies who will be 3 and 2 in May (with another on the way in May as well).


  2. Achelle

    Hi Pam, I’ve been reading your blog for awhile now…probably since the boys were a year and a half. I got drawn to your blog because your boys are too darn cute, love your blog style, you take great pictures and your boys & I share the same birthday! Yay for Dec. 4 babies! Happy Birthday to the boys and great party! I’m all about details so I loved everything you put into it. Great job! =) Achelle


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