And this is why triplets are confusing

Photo unrelated to post, but just too cute not to share. Taken by one of their camp counselors a few weeks ago.

Over the weekend, I got an email from another mom in Oliver’s class, asking for volunteers to bring snacks for the class. I signed up to bring Monday (today)’s snacks. Went to the store yesterday, asked Linus what he wanted me to bring, and got it all ready.

Yeah, that’s right. I asked Linus. Because Oliver has Linus’s old teacher. So while I was picturing Oliver’s teacher, I was putting Linus back in her class. So when Linus’s assistant teacher helped unload the kids at dropoff, I asked her to take the snacks to class for me. She seemed a tad confused, saying that another child’s mom was supposed to be bringing the snacks. I confidently told her that no, I was bringing them today.

After I drove off, I had to pull over so I could double check that I was sending the snacks to the right class. Alas, I was not. So I emailed everyone involved and texted the teacher and hopefully Oliver’s class won’t be snackless today while Linus’s class gorges on grapes, pretzels, and whatever Tavie’s mom is bringing.


2 thoughts on “And this is why triplets are confusing

  1. Kristy Boxberger

    I showed this to my mom (the mother of four singletons). She says to let you know this problem isn’t exclusive to triplets and she has done the same with us. 🙂


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