Weekend recap

Must recap the last few days. I am beyond exhausted, so much has been going on!

So let’s start with Friday…

That morning, I dropped the boys off at daycare so I could get some things done in the morning. At around 11:30, I headed to daycare for their birthday party there, which really just involved getting cake and sharing it with the other kids.

My mom met me there, and then she and the daycare teachers helped me get the boys changed. We were off to the NICU party at the hospital. It was pretty crowded and very hot, but I was glad to see some friends there and to see my beloved doctor who delivered the boys. It was also neat to see some of the NICU nurses and my doctor’s nurse who also had triplets (weird, eh?)

Meanwhile, there’s a TV news camera there, shooting footage. He gets some of the boys, but he didn’t do any interviews or anything. Which is weird, because later that day, the channel that shot the footage is doing commercials for that night’s news broadcast. “Featuring a follow-up, one year later with the triplets and quads born all on the same day.” So they’re showing footage of me holding the boys and George and I being interviewed, from last year, on this promo. But we were never told there was a “follow up” story! It was very strange.

So the news comes on, and basically they show a few shots of the boys (never saying who, exactly, they are) along with a bunch of other kids at the party. Weird. There’s some raw footage of the event here, and a written story here. Anyhoo. Not sure if that made any sense. Sorry.

At the NICU reunion with the quads:

That night, after we get the boys to bed, my mom and I go shop for some party supplies.


Wake up, start decorating. My mom makes the frosting for the cupcakes. I am getting super-stressed because the party is approaching, nothing is getting done, the boys won’t take naps, the house is still a mess, I am still wearing my pajamas (though I’d already showered) and people will be arriving soon.

But by the time three o’clock rolls around, things are falling into place, and some friends came over to help get ready. The party itself actually goes really well. The boys (esp Oliver) won’t wear the gorgeous party hats I had made for them, and the house isn’t as neat as I’d hoped it would be, but everyone (including the boys) had a good time. So, what more can you ask for? They got a lot of loot, as you can imagine. A Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn House. Four ride-on toys. (The Mater one from Cars is my favorite, and theirs. Hee!) Some wooden puzzles. A huge box of wipes (I asked for those, heh). Some money for the 529s I’m going to open soon. Some cute sweaters. Lots of toys. Lots and lots of toys. I’m going to be saving some for later in the year.

And now, some pictures!

Cozy coupe! Loooove. And lookie, a bow on top! I love that. ๐Ÿ™‚

The cupcakes and food. And cheap beer.

The felt flag banner that I spent many, many hours working on.

The playroom looked like a daycare…

Now, I can show you pictures of the boys eating their cake…


(Oliver) (who did a little palate-cleansing with some Cheerios, but don’t worry, he finished his cake too.)


You should have seen Miles with the cake. He was literally licking the plate. Well, here, you can see:

I’m kind of sad I don’t have any pictures from outside. It was a beautiful day, even though it was a bit chilly. I hung up flags (the plastic pennants that car dealerships use, you know?) and bunches of helium balloons. It was festive. ๐Ÿ™‚

So anyway. Yesterday we just kind of lazed around. Cleaned up a bit, but mostly just hung around the house. Last night we pulled the boys in the wagon down to our friends’ pizza place for a Christmas party. Oh my god, the food was amazing (not pizza.) They had prime rib and charbroiled oysters and stuffed mushrooms and cauliflower soup and smoked duck and some kind of salmon and grilled asparagus…oh man. The boys were being v crabby though, so we left after a bit. Oh well. It was fun while it lasted.

Today I took them to the pediatrician for their one year well-baby visit. They weren’t quite well, so we have to go back next week for their shots. After two rounds of antibiotics, they still have fluid in their ears, so we have to make an appointment with an ear doctor as well. Sigh.

As for their stats, I left the sheets in my car, but guess what? Oliver is bigger than Linus again! Those two, they just can’t stop competing for the title of “Heaviest Baby in the House.” They’re all about 30″ long though.

Oh yeah, one more thing. I may have already mentioned this, if so, sorry. ๐Ÿ™‚ Make sure you watch at least the beginning of the show about the deaf and blind triplets that will be on Discovery Health on the 17th. The boys’ ultrasound will be used for it.

10 thoughts on “Weekend recap

  1. Hadley

    Yay! We had a fantastic time. I’m so glad we came! The boys love the “Chicklets” (that’s their approximation of saying “triplets”) and had a ball in that playroom! We must do it again, soon! And yes, with the cupcakes! Those were yummm-meeee!


  2. steffie

    Happy Birthday Boys!!! What a huge milestone for all of you. Just think, isn’t it wonderful we’re only a year into this…and how great it’s been so far? (Except for the puke, poop, and sleepless nights) Glad to see someone else celebrates with the Natty Lite (that’s what we call it here in TX)….


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