So cool!

I’m going to be vague here, but this is so cool, I have to at least sorta post about it!

Another triplet mom I know was on a major, national talk show recently (but the show hasn’t aired yet.) Anyway, the kids were wearing my Rock, Paper, Scissors shirts! So cool! I told you fame and fortune would be mine. I just didn’t know it’d be from this. Ha! Okay, I exaggerate slightly. But only slightly.)

I’ll post when I know it’s going to be on, so you can all see the shirts in all their glory. Hee!

In other news, you should totally vote for the boys in this Gap contest. If you want. I mean, these things are so stupid, but whatever. I think you can vote every day.

The boys are being so cute lately. I didn’t hear this (DARN) but this morning, when Linus was asked “which one are you?” by the daycare director, he said “I am Linus.”


And apparently Miles, being my son, said “I want more!” after he finished a slice of birthday cake yesterday. Atta boy!

And then Oliver, he can count.

6 thoughts on “So cool!

  1. Tena

    I love their sentences!! James has been working on that himself, but his have thus far consisted of (when greeted in the morning as “buddy”) “I’m Names” and “Hound out pee.”

    Your boys are sooo cute!


  2. Amy H

    You’re too funny! I gotta tell ya…the crew LOVED the shirts. They were trying to get the gang to “act out” a game of R,P,S but my kids just looked at them like they were crazy!


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